What a wonderful treat, a brand new grand-daughter to play with and help raise. She looks just like her Mommy at that age so I have deja-vu moments. If only my body didn't reject changing diapers on the floor I would feel 25 again.
Our new baby girl weighed in at 9lb, 11oz so she is not a featherweight. She is now up to 12lbs. She is our little bobblehead doll. Paige pops her head up bright eyed, looks me straight in the eye, then when she sees she's safe in Grandmommy's arms, she tucks in for a good cuddle. She loves her tiny feet rubbed and if I quit, she sticks her foot out as if to say, Don't stop, Grandmommy. She can be crying one minute and passed out the next. As if she is hypnotized and with a snap, instant snooze. She loves me to sing to her. I think it's the vibrations so I'll go down low and then up the scale as she nuzzles her ear to my chest and peacefully dozes off.
Paige arrived just in time for the biggest snowfall in Dallas County in 32 years. Snow swirling around, who could resist a picture with her two loving sisters, Kaylyn and Reace.
Mommy, Daddy, Papaw, sisters, aunts, uncles and friends all dote on our new princess so she is fast on her way to spoildom. She has more clothes than I do and is quickly taking over the house. She has no room of her own so she has claimed them all. We don't mind stumbling over all sorts of baby paraphanalia, thrilled that our little surprise bundle of joy is happy and healthy. We couldn't ask for a better gift from God.
Congratulations to Autumn and Kevin, Paige's proud Mommy and Daddy.
Happy Birthday, Little Paige

Mommy, Daddy, Papaw, sisters, aunts, uncles and friends all dote on our new princess so she is fast on her way to spoildom. She has more clothes than I do and is quickly taking over the house. She has no room of her own so she has claimed them all. We don't mind stumbling over all sorts of baby paraphanalia, thrilled that our little surprise bundle of joy is happy and healthy. We couldn't ask for a better gift from God.
Congratulations to Autumn and Kevin, Paige's proud Mommy and Daddy.
Happy Birthday, Little Paige